Reminders from SharperLending:
CreditXpert Cloud, 2025 Price Updates

The holidays are fast approaching!  But so are some important due dates that we wanted to remind you about.

CreditXpert Cloud Platform
CreditXpert is on track to expire their current platform – including current iterations of Assure, What-If Simulator, and Wayfinder – on December 31, 2024. Most of you have a handful of clients on the new Cloud Platform, and we know that all of you are actively pushing clients to the new Cloud Platform, which is fantastic.

This is a friendly reminder to keep up the good work of assisting clients to make the move so none of them are caught without a credit score potential improvement solution in 2025.

2025 Price Increase Assistance
We are happy to share that our team will implement your pricing updates free of charge – but we need your pricing changes to us no later than this coming Friday, December 6, 2024. Please email these in an Excel spreadsheet to us at

NOTE: If we do not receive your changes by December 6, 2024, there is no guarantee that we can have your updates in place on January 1, 2025.

As always, you can manually adjust your pricing within XOP. If you prefer to do this, click
HERE to review the knowledge base article that walks you through these updates.