In XOLX you can combine two distinct individual reports into a single Joint report, assisting your clients in additional customer service options when they need your help. Learn more about this feature here.
Qualifications for Combining Two Reports into One
- Both files must be pulled within the last 30 days.
- Both files must be an Individual file.
- The reports have to be pulled by the same client.
- Combining two Individual reports into a new Joint file will generate a new reference number.
- CRA's should use XOP to set a Combined File Fee. Click Here for quick instructions.
- If Products differ between reports, the product on the newly-created Joint file will be the product from the file they are in currently.
- The order date on the new request will be set to the oldest order date between the two reference numbers.
- The origin of the new request will be set to "MERGE" (similar to COPY when copying a request).
- Things like Loan# will be copied from the file they are in currently.
- The applicant for the file they are in will be the applicant on the new request. The applicant from the other request will be the co-applicant. If you want to switch App and Co-App, simply return to the Modify Request screen, click on the Hamburger menu, and select Swap App and Co-app. Note that the Swap App and Co-app feature is only available on Joint requests.
- Similar to when a request is copied to a new reference number, XpertOnline prevents score disclosures, CreditXpert, and public records from being added to the new reference number/request.
How to Merge Reports
Open an Individual report into the Request Detail screen, and from the menu at left select Modify Request.
At the top of the order, select the hamburger menu to the right, and choose Combine with another report.
An overlay will appear asking you to enter the reference number of another order you want to combine with the current order you are working in. Once you enter the reference number, select Combine.
Please Note: To ensure that your orders are eligible to be merged, both files must be pulled within the last 30 Days AND both files must be Individual request types. See above for all prerequisites that must be met prior to using this feature.
If you enter an invalid reference number, you will receive an error message describing the issue. An example of an error message is shown below.
Upon entering an acceptable reference number, you will see a new overlay that the reports have been combined successfully. If you want to view the combined report, select Yes. If you choose No, this will direct you back to the previous screen.
Choosing Yes directs you to the new, merged Joint report where you can proceed to work on your order as you normally would.